Location agreement

Knowing what a location agreement for filming requires is essential to get right if you need to enter a private property to record video content or take photographs. However, each film location agreement will be slightly different depending on the needs and requirements for the film location agreement form. By fully defining what a location agreement for filming is, you can take immense comfort in knowing that you should not be vulnerable to any legal disputes in the future - whichever side of the contract you are on.

What is a location agreement?

A location agreement is a contract between a film production company and a property owner outlining that not only can the property be used for filming, but any other requirements concerning using the property are included. Within it, both parties can detail their stipulations for when filming occurs, but also afterward.

While a location agreement is first and foremost an authorization to step foot on a property and capture video footage or photographs of it, it also acts as a form of protection for both parties. Both can use the location agreement form to identify what they are and are not happy with when filming takes place and what happens to the footage once captured.

How does a location agreement work?

In practice, a film location agreement will include details such as where the film production company can go on the property and even enter it in the first place. Additionally, the contract will identify what dates and times recordings or photos can be taken and what the situation would be should more recording be required.

Notably, the agreement will specify how the production company will use the material captured and how much they will pay for using the location, and what the production company will cover should any damage occur to the property. Plus, the agreement must outline clearly where the captured images or video will be used. The deal will generally grant permission for the images to be broadcast or exhibited in a stated form - either within a timeframe or for an open-ended amount of time.

Finally, some location agreements will also include wording on the production company's no obligation to use the footage captured.

Advantages of a location agreement

Like any legally binding agreement and contract, one of the best things about a location agreement is that it identifies what is required of both parties. As a result, it helps minimize any future legal disputes the two sides may have with one another. It also ensures that both sides’ needs and requirements are met throughout the time of filming. With a proper agreement in place, no one can take advantage of the other party in any way.

And, thanks to knowing what and where each other party stands and what is required of them, it makes for a much more streamlined and efficient filming process too. For example, suppose the agreement outlines what the production company must do in terms of clear up. In that case, the company will have to ensure they return the property to its original state, or else they leave themselves vulnerable to a legal claim.

Contractbook and location agreement

Contractbook can help streamline the process even further by providing many helpful templates and automated document generation software. The results are documents that can be legally relied upon to be binding and pertinent and much quicker to complete from start to finish, thanks to its collaboration software. Drawing up a film location agreement with Contractbook can take the inefficiencies out of the contract creation process and simply leave you with an agreement that can be seen as a true asset to both parties.