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INTERNET DATA CENTER KNOWLEDGE TEST (IDCKT) TEST INFORMATION PAMPHLET WHY DO AT&T AND ITS AFFILIATES TEST When individuals are being considered for our available job openings, they go through a selection process to measure their knowledge, skills and abilities to determine if they can perform the jobs in a satisfactory manner. It is to the advantage of both you, as a job candidate, and the company that only those who can perform at acceptable levels be placed on the job. Research has shown that tests provide accurate measures of people’s knowledge, skills and abilities and, therefore, we use tests to help identify people best suited for our jobs. WHAT IS THE INTERNET DATA CENTER KNOWLEDGE TEST (IDCKT) The IDCKT consists of 75 questions in four parts: Part I – Hardware (24 questions), Part II – Software (15 questions), Part III – Networks (16 questions), and Part IV – Cabling (20 questions). Total testing time is approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. The scoring of the test is based on the number of correct answers for the total test. There is no penalty for guessing, so it is to your advantage to try as many questions as possible. If unsure about the answer to a question, a careful guess should be made. This pamphlet contains a brief description and sample question for each part of the test. The sample questions are not taken from the actual test, but are examples of the types of questions included in the test. The correct answer and a brief explanation for each sample question is included. PART I - HARDWARE (24 questions) This part of the test measures knowledge of topics such as computer fundamentals, buses, diagnostics, memory, PCI, RAID, and circuit and protocol test sets. Sample Question Q. Using the computer chassis as a ground is most effective when: A. The cover is removed from the computer. B. The computer is unplugged from the AC outlet. C. You are not wearing a wrist band grounding strap. D. The computer is still plugged into the AC outlet. A. The correct answer is D. Having the computer plugged into the AC outlet connects the chassis to an earth ground. Page 1 of 3 AT&T PROPRIETARY Rev. 02/08